CBD Chocolate - the rise of CBD edibles

CBD has taken the world by storm in recent years, with its popularity exploding. From candles to beauty products, you can now buy a large variety of everyday items that feature a touch of CBD. However,...

Which CBD product is right for me?

There are a lot of questions about the topic of CBD products. If you’re exploring the possibilities of including cannabidiol-derived or other CBD-infused products for the first time in your daily health routine, you may...

Advantages of CBD Chocolate

CBD has become increasingly popular owing to a long list of reported health benefits. However, some people dislike the earthy and oily taste of CBD in its natural form. CBD chocolate and CBD edibles not only take...

CBD Oil and why it's so popular at the moment

CBD oil has rapidly grown in popularity in recent years, making the transition from being a niche product to being widely available on the British high street. As a notable ingredient in many natural remedies,...

Your Guide to CBD Oil

The popularity of CBD oil has grown over the past few years. Here’s our no-nonsense guide CBD oil, giving you all you need to know. What is CBD oil? CBD, or cannabidiol oil, is one...

3 Ways To Use CBD Coffee

Coffee is a revitalising and energetic bean with a flavour loved by many. The benefits of coffee are reaped all around the world; some people can’t even imagine beginning a morning without it. What if...

The Bean-to-Bar Chocolate Process

The journey for all chocolate seems pretty simple, right? You start with some cacao beans and then process them into chocolate. Well, it may seem easy on the outside but, there is a lot of...

What is CBD chocolate?

CBD chocolate has taken the world by storm. It is a great way to reap the many benefits that come with CBD (or cannabidiol) but in a tasty bite-sized treat. If you’re wondering what CBD...

CBD Oil for Sports Recovery

CBD oil is touted by many in the sporting world as the ultimate natural aid to exercise recovery. It’s no mystery why; CBD’s recovery-aiding properties are pretty impressive. As a natural pain reliever and anti-inflammatory,...